The 11th episode of a podcast hosted by Entrepreneurship at Cornell, Startup Cornell, features Stephanie Wisner ’16, co-founder of Read More
The tenth episode of a podcast hosted by Entrepreneurship at Cornell, Startup Cornell, features Ghali Jorio ’22, founder of AfriTrip Advisors Morocco, a…
The ninth episode of a podcast hosted by Entrepreneurship at Cornell, Startup Cornell, features Kayla Foley, MBA ’22 and Jasheah Howard MEng ’22, co…
The eighth episode of a podcast hosted by Entrepreneurship at Cornell, Startup Cornell, features Rich Horgan ‘14
The seventh episode of a podcast hosted by Entrepreneurship at Cornell, Startup Cornell, features Laura Ciccone ‘11 and Taly Matiteyahu, co-founders of…
The sixth episode of a podcast hosted by Entrepreneurship at Cornell, Startup Cornell, features Stephanie Cartin ‘06, founder of Read More
The fifth episode of a podcast hosted by Entrepreneurship at Cornell, Startup Cornell, features JP Pollak ’00, MS ’08, PhD ’11, co-founder…
The fourth episode of a podcast hosted by Entrepreneurship at Cornell, Startup Cornell, features Jamie Kim ’19, founder and CEO of Read More
The second episode of a new podcast hosted by Entrepreneurship at Cornell, Startup Cornell, features Brooke Wingo ’17, cofounder and president of Zone…