State and university leaders gathered for a ribbon cutting Sept. 9 to celebrate the $3.5 million renovation of Jordan Hall on the Read More
From online yoga teacher certification to a socially equitable real estate development company, the Johnson Summer Startup Accelerator (JSSA), a ten-week…
Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao was a doctoral student in the early 2010s when smartwatches were all the rage.
Sil Ganzó launched her nonprofit eight years ago.
SimpliFed, a company dedicated to revolutionizing infant nutrition via their virtual lactation and baby feeding support platform, has raised $500K in their…
Students who have an interest in business creation, venture capital, technology, startups, social enterprises or anything related to entrepreneurship can…, a Moroccan company that supplies some of what the company stated are 200,000 convenience stores in the country, has completed an acquisition and…
The Cornell Campus-to-Campus (C2C) buses have resumed service thanks to a new air filtration system that was designed, built and installed by a team of…