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Program Information
Dang, Sharon
Sharon Dang ’20: an app supporting people with mental illness
Hefferon, Kathleen
Doctoral student Kathleen Hefferon: technology to convert plant biomass into biofuel by producing celluloses in large quantities at low costs
Hughes, Delia
Delia Hughes, MBA ’20: candy containing healthy ingredients and only five grams of sugar
Kothari, Naviya
Naviya Kothari ’20: artificial software and machine learning to create software to identify biases against women in STEM
Kruth, Marie
Marie Kruth, M. Eng. ’19: biomedical sciences innovations that serve peoples needs
Lin, Leigh
Leigh Lin, M.Eng '19
Liu, Xu
Xu Liu, M.S. ’20: a flow of battery system for soft robots
Lu, Shanee
Shanee Lu ’20: a synchronous metronome to help amateur musicians and dancers develop an inherent sense of rhythm
Masand, Drishti
Drishti Masaand, M. Eng. ’19: technology to help drivers asses their sobriety and alertness
McNeill, Keeley
Doctoral student Keeley McNeill: technology to maximize crop yield while minimizing contamination from fertilizers
Mezina, Oksana
Doctoral student Oksana Mezina: new methods for delivering fresh dairy products
Mundell, Maya
Doctoral student Maya Mundell: a eLearning platform to coach students on how to maximize their scholarship and financial aid offers and match them to higher education funding opportunities.
Ni, Di
Doctoral student Di Ni: a small, portable high-voltage energy supply
Okolo, Chinasa
Doctoral student Chinasa Okolo: machine learning algorithms to increase water conservation and better automate sprinklers for lawns, fields and farms
Sandhvi, Yashi
Yashi Sanghvi ’20: a wearable patch that fully absorbs sweat
Tate, Brianna Nicole
Doctoral student Brianna Nicole Tate: a mentorship program to support underrepresented populations in STEM fields
Tripathii, Vini
Vini Tripathii ’20: using artificial intelligence to create cost effective prosthetics
Valbuena, Alison
Alison Valbuena ’20: an educational smartphone app to increase the amount of food packaging that is recycled
Winarto, Sheren
Sheren Winarto, MPS ’19: a nonalcoholic fermented rice beverage rich in bioactive peptides and B vitamins
Zhang, Yuying
Doctoral student Yuying Zhang: a fashionable spinal cord protector for competitive horseback riding
Zhao, Crystal
Crystal Zhao ’20: integrate human health and technology to help people better track their nutrition and dietary needs